Donate Life
Register your intent to donate at any motor vehicle registry office in Alberta, or by registering online. Be sure to discuss your wishes with your family.
Did you know?
Albertans on transplant waitlists
There are over 700 Albertans on transplant waitlists.
Canadians waiting for tissue transplants
There are over 4,500 Canadians waiting for a transplant that will save their lives and even more people are waiting for tissue transplants that will make the quality of their lives better.
lives can be saved by just one tissue and organ donor
Just one organ and tissue donor can save up to eight lives and make life better for up to 75 other people.
Organ donation is when an organ (e.g., heart, lung, kidney) is removed from one person and transplanted into another person.
Tissue donation is when tissues in the body (e.g., skin, corneas, bone) are removed from one person and transplanted into another person.
90 per cent of Canadians say they support organ donation,
yet only 23 per cent have registered their decision.